Name: Corrida do Sporting
Length: 10Km
Date: 1st of December 2013
Objectivos Mínimos: - 42m
Desafio Pessoal: - 39m41s
Melhor Tempo em Provas Semelhantes: 39m41s
Despite the fairly rough course, I had some high expectations for this race, and was keen on trying to beat my 10Km best time set back in 2010. For that reason I carefully prepared a playlist, and decided not to hit the gym in the last 4 days before the race. Unfortunately on Saturday I still felt my legs complaining a bit from the football match on Wednesday, and I kinda lost heart and, going against the plan, I went to the gym as usual.
This morning I had therefore little hopes of achieving anything, specially after forgetting my Ipod bracelet at home which meant I would have to run without music and Nike+. Still, I decided to go for it in the beginning and then go with the flow. After all, man's reach exceeds his imagination.
There were different startling lines depending on your previous best times, which would typically be good since it would allow me to start closer to the front line. Unfortunately I was not responsible for my own registration, and so was put way behind the best runners. Thankfully I managed to crawl and sneak my way into the appropriate starting zone.
The race began inside Sporting's stadium's precinct, which was a terrible idea since it meant everyone was funneled up in no time. Despite that small detail, the organisation was pretty great. There was a single support spot at the 5th kilometer: exactly the way I like it.
The course was not ideal, with some ups and downs, with empashis on three horrible tunnels. But this time I decided not to try and keep a steady pace; my experience tells me it is far better to slow down when climbing and then quickening the pace in negative slope stretches. And so I did.
Be it for the tactic, my physical conditions or any other reason fact is the race went extremely well and I finished with 39m31s, improving my personal record by ten full seconds. It does not seem like a lot, but it is when it takes three years to achieve.
Best of all, due to some mess-up after the finishing line, I ended up going to the VIP area. That means that, besides the water and apple everyone else got, I was also entitled to powerade, ice-tea, some other juice, beer, cookies and a quick chat with Bruno de Carvalho, the president of Sporting Clube de Portugal.
This medal will be cherished. So will the T-Shirt, which is quite nice. I will also see this was a good omen for next week's half-marathon.
Filipe Baptista de Morais
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