domingo, 4 de agosto de 2013

A Cubic Interaction

As you all know, the Interactable project used to have a website with updated (*cough cough*) news and plans regarding the project, hosted at Most unfortunately, the website seems to have been put down, and now redirects the visitors to some "interesting" ads. Although our technical staff is investigating the issue, it is still unclear why this happened; we suspect Korean hackers though. Either that or the republic of Tokelau (is it a republic?) went bankrupt and decided to make some budget cuts, namely on free hosting of websites.

For this reason this blog will now feature some of the posts that would be on that website, until our technical staff fixes the issue, which might obviously take a while since we will first need to hire them. That being said, not that much is expected to happen around Interactable in the next months anyway.

In a previous post it was announced that the project would participate in the E3 forum meeting and so it did, under the title "Interactable: a Cubic Interaction" Yep, we went with the cheesy style. It is a great pleasure to announce that Interactable's passing by the E3 Forum was a huge success: the crowd cheered with the live demos and the jury was impressed by the project's potential and innovative concept. The programme was filled with panels of respected speakers who gave their perspectives on the issues of employment and entrepreneurship, and how education is linked to both.
All in all it was an extremely full day where the team was also able to promote some networwking. Last but not least, Interactable was awarded the Most Innovative Product/Technology award by the international jury, leading to yet another boost in confidence and motivation.

Just the week after, Interactable was presented at the LarSyS (Laboratory for Robotics and Systems in Engineering) annual meeting. Despite being somewhat of an intruder (even though two of the team members are/were part of LarSys the project itself is totally out of its scope) the team had the opportunity to do some live demos and explanations, yet again generating interest, positive feedback and suggestions for new applications.

The team is now considering whether or not to let go of the project due to lack of time and added responsibilities. Still, there are already some people of the team's confidence interested in picking it up and taking over the next few miles. The project might then suffer massive changes in its team's composition, but will most likely endure. There should be an update on the project's situation before the end of 2013.

Filipe Baptista de Morais

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